ESP Biography

CALEB SMITH, Stanford Undergrad who knows radio

Major: Public Policy

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Caleb Smith

Brief Biographical Sketch:

A swashbuckling Junior hailing from Oakland, California, Caleb is an enthusiastic producer and consumer of news. Caleb serves as Director of News at the campus radio station KZSU Stanford and has carried news, music, radioplays and more on his various radio shows. Caleb also has a great sense of humor and writes for the Stanford Daily.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H4831: Broadcast Radio for Beginners in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
This course will provide students with a basic understanding of radio broadcasting and will involve the actual usage of radio broadcast equipment. Students will tour KZSU Stanford (located at Pigott Theater near Memorial Auditorium) and will include a tutorial on how to use station equipment. Students will leave with an audio recording of their work.