ESP Biography

ALISON FOGARTY, PhD candidate, sociology - sex, gender, sexuality

Major: Sociology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2013

Picture of Alison Fogarty

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am a sociologist, feminist, and activist interested in promoting gender equality and LGBTQ rights. I received a BA in Sociology and English at the University of Arizona in 2005 and am currently a doctoral candidate in Sociology at Stanford University. Broadly, my research examines the socially constructed nature of sex, gender, and sexuality and explores topics related to inequality, discrimination, power, and status. I am a mixed methods researcher who employs both qualitative and quantitative data in my analysis, most often in the form of interviews and surveys. I am passionate about teaching and very much enjoy working with students. I teach a course I developed called Destroying Dichotomies: Exploring Multiple Sex, Gender, and Sexual Identities that is designed to broaden the student's awareness of the human experience by introducing scholarly debates about sex, gender and sexual identities and expressions. I am also a trained oral communications specialist, conducting workshops on general speaking tips and PowerPoint and working with students on presentations, job talks, and interviews. I am active in the Stanford community, acting as co-chair of the Queer Studies Coalition, co-coordinator of the Feminist and Queer Book Salon, and member of the Trans Task force.

After graduating, I intend to start a business in which I educate, mediate, consult, and conduct research on transgender issues. I would like to work with cisgender individuals (individuals whose bodies and identities are aligned with the gender they were assigned at birth) in families, schools, and workplace settings to help them better understand and relate with transgender individuals. Much of the discrimination, harassment, and violence towards transgenders stem from ignorance and fear, and it is my desire to promote empathy and tolerance via lectures, seminars, workshops, and trainings.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S1976: Destroying Dichotomies: Exploring Multiple Sex, Gender, and Sexual Identities in Splash! Spring 2012 (Apr. 21 - 22, 2012)
This course is designed to broaden the student's awareness of the human experience by introducing scholarly debates about sex, gender and sexual identities and expressions. I will begin by introducing the idea that sex, gender and sexuality are social constructs and explain the differences between them. We will then explore the experiences of those who identify as intersexual, transgender, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual and/or queer (of course explaining what each of these identities means). Finally, we will discuss bullying, looking at ways to address intolerance, fear and violence. This course is intended to encourage an open intellectual dialogue; therefore an attitude of tolerance will be maintained. The course’s thematic focus is valuing the diversity of human experience.