ESP Biography

NATALIA DUONG, Director of Urban Styles Jazz Dance Group

Major: Psychology and Dance

College/Employer: Stanford University

Year of Graduation: 2010

Picture of Natalia Duong

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Natalia Duong ('10) is a senior studying Psychology and minoring in Dance. She has performed in dance and theater performances on campus and is one of the directors of Urban Styles this year. Most recently, she traveled to Kampala, Uganda to participate in a cross-cultural theater collaboration investigating African and American identity and relations. She is interested in the role that dance plays in building empathy between disparate groups of people. She has taught dance to 3 yr olds to high schoolers as a way of building trust, self-efficacy, and understanding.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P653: So I think you can dance! Jazz and Lyrical Dance Class in Splash! Fall 2009 (Oct. 10 - 11, 2009)
Love Mia Michaels? Think that learning a jazz routine would be fun? Come out and dance with me! We will do a warm-up, cover some basic technique, and learn a short routine. The level is beginning-intermediate with options of challenging yourself with more advanced style. Please come dressed in comfortable clothing that you can move in. No dance shoes necessary.